Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A New Homegrown Terrorist Added to the Watchlist

Today the "skirts" in the Media released the story of the four alleged 'Homegrown' Muslim Terrorists that were going to blow up a temple in Riverdale. This is just typical media garbage! the NBC website actually ran a story about the fact that the alleged ringleader was a 'Pot Smoker,' are they joking? These are alleged Muslim extremists and they are running stories about smoking pot! As I understand it "Real" Muslims don’t even do drugs, and do they dress like the guys on the front page of the papers? Well, they do Now!

Clearly, these guys had no real agenda and no political affiliation as extremist often do. Of Course they are racist, sociopath killers, who happened to be career criminals and probably should have never been paroled in the first place. But, was it really worth all the effort, public risk and money to use the FBI resources for a full year just to bust these bozos with fake C4 and missiles? With these guys records they could have taken them off the streets for life, just for trying to buy a gun. Instead, they devised an elaborate year-long plan; costing taxpayers thousands of dollars; risking the lives of the public by allowing them to remain on the street; all while allowing them to commit lessor crimes in the meantime.

But wait were told there is "Good News!" Our Sen., Chucky Shumer said in the daily news today, "If there can be any good news from this terror scare it's that this group was relatively unsophisticated, penetrated early, and not connected to another terrorist group," then went on to say, and here's the kicker: "This incident shows that we must always be vigilant against terrorism, foreign or domestic."

Chuck, if they weren't so sophisticated then why did we supply them with inert c4 and fake missiles and track there every move for a year? Isn't that a lot of money to waste on unsophisticated criminals?

But now I see the purpose of focusing on the term Homegrown (no pun intended) and the photos and descriptions of baggy pants and hooded sweatshirts? Because, this is just another attempt by the media to push through the socialist agenda of the govt and to increase the support and use of the Patriot Act. Another tear at the fabric of all American freedoms and to further infringe upon our rights as citizens! They are creating the common perception of what a terrorist is "supposed" to look like.

Think about the framework and the norms that the media has created; It began with the sickening acts of Timothy McVeigh, who was covered by the media as the model of all white, ex-military, right-wing extremist's. Then came the "Islamo-Fascists," turban wearing, Allah-screaming, Jew- hating extremists. (the later of the two certainly was more effective in getting Americans to lay down there freedoms for the sake of "National Security.") And now, the final model is that of the young black felon, complete with baggy pants and smoking on a good o'l blunt. Whats next? The corporate executive who recently lost his job and was denied his bonus trying to blow up a bank! Then will there be enough suspects or is the framework complete already!

All of us will be suspects soon and be under surveillance! Not just you potheads! Don’t be fooled people! Through knowledge comes Power!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

“New York Fed Chairman Indicted on Insider trading and SEC Violations: Timothy Geithner Next!”

That is what the headlines should have looked like Friday. That would be if we lived in a logical, sane, and just country. Instead, the NY Times ran, “New York Fed Chairman, With Ties to Goldman, Resigns” or another, from Paul Tharp of the NY Post read, “Freidman Fried as Chairman of NY Fed.” This is really turning out to be something straight from a Hollywood movie. Scratch that thought, they couldn’t even script this shit, for fear it would be too unrealistic. The same cannot, however, be said for the B. Hussein Obama administration.

The truth is this story is laden with corruption and criminal intent. Let me see if I can try to untangle this web of deceit… Stephan J. Freidman led or co-led Goldman Sachs from 1990-1994, in 2005 he returned to Goldman and presently resides on the board as the director. At the same time (until Friday,) he was the chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Now, normally this dual role would be regarded as an apparent conflict of interest, but the laws that prohibit such actions were blatantly overlooked. Actually, Mr. Friedman was granted a “waiver” in this particular instance and this illegal relationship was permitted to exist.

The plot truly thickens when the former head of the NY Fed Reserve Bank, Mr. Timothy “Tax Cheat” Geithner, gets appointed to run the US Treasury Dept. An appointment made by “Mr. Transparency” himself, B. Hussein Obama. The Fed, headed by Ben Bernanke, and working together with Mr. Friedman and cohorts, were put in charge of drawing up plans to help ‘Bailout” the financial markets. The supervisor of this scheme was no other than, Mr. Geithner himself, essentially Bernanke’s subordinate.

Now is when it gets interesting and the money starts flowing. So, Stephen J Freidman, acting in his role as Director of Goldman Sachs, submits a request to the Federal Reserve Bank, essentially Ben Bernanke, (and yes, at the time he is also the chairman of the NY Fed) to allow Goldman Sachs to become a bank holding company. The request, of course was granted.
Then, While the Fed was deciding whether or not to grant Friedman a ‘waiver of the bank stock ownership rules,’ he went ahead and bought 37,300 Goldman shares on December 17, for an average price of $80.78, according to regulatory filings. The ‘waiver’ was then granted and on January 22, he bought 15,300 more shares for average prices of $66.19 and $67.12, according to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The January purchase brought his total holdings to 98,600 shares.

Subsequently, the impending financial disaster transpires. Investment firms like Meryl Lynch, Lehman Bros., AIG, etc. are forced into mergers, to close altogether, or required to take money from T.A.R.P., which essentially equated to hostile takeovers by the government. The Obama Inc. was created. The bailout plan was structured and the billions and billions are doled out to BANKS. One of the main recipients is, of course, Goldman Sachs, which is now considered a ‘BANK.’ Needles to say, Stephen J. Freidman’s investment shares skyrocketed. And on Thursday Goldman Shares closed at $133.73, meaning Friedman has profited handsomely, earning more than $3 million in total on the two purchases.

Despite the corrupt chain of events that have occurred, it wasn’t until The Wall St Journal questioned the purchase of these stocks that Mr. Freidman “Fled the Fed.” And in a self-righteous, arrogant, and egotistical manner he said, “Although I have been in compliance with the rules, my public service motivated continuation on the Reserve Bank Board is being mischaracterized as improper,” in a letter of resignation to New York Fed President William Dudley.

WHAT? Is he Kidding? Sure he is been in ‘compliance with the rules,’ he issued a ‘waiver’ to Himself, which essentially changed the rules, albeit only for him, and only for a brief period. And how were they ‘mischaracterized as improper?’ Is he really implying that his actions were proper? Surely you jest! And yet the saga continues and these ‘Rouge Bankers’ that have hijacked this government, are allowed to loot the wealth of this country without prosecution.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

400 Chinese Businessmen Travel to America to buy up Distressed Assets

What could be the reasoning? Since the crash of our financial markets , the Chinese Govt. has been toying with various options that will secure their investments in US treasuries. Statements have been flying about the intention of the Chinese Govt. to deleverage the US dollar. Why? It doesn’t stand to reason why a main investor would want to devalue their investments by deflating the very thing that they invest in. But, alas we see a reason: And so they move in like vultures to buy up the only valuable assets that America has left to lose; our land, resources, whatever company is valuable enough, and even our freedom.
So, in a move straight from the plots of a Godfather saga they converge. First, praying on our will, they announce a deal where they lease a floor of the ‘Freedom Tower,’ but not before they force us to sell our souls for it, demanding that the name ‘Freedom’ be removed from the building. The Port Authority and other Public skirts seem only happy to oblige, even holding a press conference to announce the change. And in typical communist fashion the Chinese govt uses this event as a propaganda stunt, announcing their demands to the press, whom only seem happy to run the story. Surely they mocked this sign of US weekness on local Chinese stations, demeaning our power and solidifying their position as complete rulers of their citizens and furthermore the world.
Whats more, they release statements threatening to implement a different currency, other than the ‘Dollar.’ And yet in another sign of their power and clout, the Chinese "Dons', put the bull" on Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to back off such allegations he had made earlier about the country manipulating our currency. And So He does,

And so it continues! What a Shame!!!!

Sign the Petition_Join the Fight

I have just taken action to stop the attacks on our Free SpeechRights, and I'm asking that you join with me by clicking here:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Great Influenza: The Mexican Flu of 2009

As the world forgets about the recent "SWINE FLU" or the "MEXICAN FLU" (as I like to call it.) Or, for the sake of mentally disturbed liberal freaks who think it politically correct to change the name to "H1N1 Virus," I would like to draw your attention to a sobering historical fact: The Great Influenza of 1918, otherwise known as "The Spanish Flu."

In the Spring of 1918, while engaged in WW1, a mysterious form of the flu began to infect many Americans. As history shows it appeared as a relatively benign form of the flu, affecting those only in close quarters and lasting for a short time. Very few, if any, deaths were associated with the 'First Wave' of infections. Poor record keeping and unattainable data has prevented us from knowing for sure. But, what is known, is that in the fall of 1918, the 'Great Influenza' came back with a vengeance; infecting tens of millions and killing, as some experts say, up to 50 million people worldwide. Rumors and theories began to swarm about the nature and the cause of the pandemic, some theorizing it was result of 'Germ Warfare' created by the Germans.

Gina Kolata in her book ,"Flu'''The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It,' said the following; "...No one knows for sure where the 1918 flu came from or how it turned into such a killer strain. All that is known is that it began as an ordinary flu but then it changed. It infected people in the spring of 1918, sickening its victims for about three days with chills and fever, but rarely killing them. Then it disappeared, returning in the fall with the power of a juggernaut. In retrospect, medical experts talk of the two waves of the 1918 flu. The first was banal, and easily forgotten. No one mentioned plagues or germ warfare when the influenza epidemic first arrived. But when it came back, in the second wave, it had become something monstrous, bearing little resemblance to what is ordinarily thought of as the flu..."

Does this sound familiar? Could we be experiencing another form of "The Spanish Flu?" The similarities are striking, but only time will tell us, because, God knows the Government wont!!!!
The Influenza Epidemic of 1918

Bailout for US Cities on the way.....

Just another stage of the Socialist agenda is upon us. Today Reuters released the following article:

Quoting, Felix Rohatyn, the chairman of New York's Municipal Assistance Corp., the article goes on to give support to the idea that the Obama Administration "should create a powerful national agency to bail out dozens of floundering U.S. cities."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Wake up people! what will happen if Obama starts to 'Bail-out' US cites? Will he impose federal statues and guidelines to the state level? What will then happen to local statues and TAXES? Will he determine Where and Who gets social benefits?

Of course he will! They will gain control of those cities to push through there agenda. Just look whats occurring in our financial sector, Auto Industry, and Health Care!

Dangerous times are ahead!

Where and When will they begin? I would venture to guess it will occur in cites with the largest population of illegal immigrants and minorities, either before or after, passing the Amnesty program.... These cities will support this Agenda and will be fueled by organizers like ACORN, who will promise them all sorts of FREE Govt HANDOUTS.

Oppose the Notion!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Obama Refuses to Release Publicity Photos

The New York Post released a story today about the Obama Admin's refusal to release the photos of the so called, "publicity shoot" of Air Force One flying over New York City. This is just another example of the Disregard the Admin has for the citizens of this country. As if the half-harted appology that B. Hussain Obama snapped at the reporter during a press confrence was not dissrespectful enough.

So I ask Why? Why would such a stupid and inconsiderate act be committed against the residents of NYC? Why would they spend over $300,000 of public money to fund such a project in the midst of a financial breakdown. And, WHY would they conduct a publicty stunt and yet Refuse to release the photos to the public? These questions should burn your belly like they do mine and answers should be demanded!