Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bailout for US Cities on the way.....

Just another stage of the Socialist agenda is upon us. Today Reuters released the following article:

Quoting, Felix Rohatyn, the chairman of New York's Municipal Assistance Corp., the article goes on to give support to the idea that the Obama Administration "should create a powerful national agency to bail out dozens of floundering U.S. cities."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Wake up people! what will happen if Obama starts to 'Bail-out' US cites? Will he impose federal statues and guidelines to the state level? What will then happen to local statues and TAXES? Will he determine Where and Who gets social benefits?

Of course he will! They will gain control of those cities to push through there agenda. Just look whats occurring in our financial sector, Auto Industry, and Health Care!

Dangerous times are ahead!

Where and When will they begin? I would venture to guess it will occur in cites with the largest population of illegal immigrants and minorities, either before or after, passing the Amnesty program.... These cities will support this Agenda and will be fueled by organizers like ACORN, who will promise them all sorts of FREE Govt HANDOUTS.

Oppose the Notion!

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