Thursday, May 7, 2009

400 Chinese Businessmen Travel to America to buy up Distressed Assets

What could be the reasoning? Since the crash of our financial markets , the Chinese Govt. has been toying with various options that will secure their investments in US treasuries. Statements have been flying about the intention of the Chinese Govt. to deleverage the US dollar. Why? It doesn’t stand to reason why a main investor would want to devalue their investments by deflating the very thing that they invest in. But, alas we see a reason: And so they move in like vultures to buy up the only valuable assets that America has left to lose; our land, resources, whatever company is valuable enough, and even our freedom.
So, in a move straight from the plots of a Godfather saga they converge. First, praying on our will, they announce a deal where they lease a floor of the ‘Freedom Tower,’ but not before they force us to sell our souls for it, demanding that the name ‘Freedom’ be removed from the building. The Port Authority and other Public skirts seem only happy to oblige, even holding a press conference to announce the change. And in typical communist fashion the Chinese govt uses this event as a propaganda stunt, announcing their demands to the press, whom only seem happy to run the story. Surely they mocked this sign of US weekness on local Chinese stations, demeaning our power and solidifying their position as complete rulers of their citizens and furthermore the world.
Whats more, they release statements threatening to implement a different currency, other than the ‘Dollar.’ And yet in another sign of their power and clout, the Chinese "Dons', put the bull" on Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to back off such allegations he had made earlier about the country manipulating our currency. And So He does,

And so it continues! What a Shame!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I would suspect if you took an asset survey today as to all foreign countries owning property in the USA you would find Japan,China and Saudia Arabia owning the most.I'll bet the Saudie's own more than half of Arizona...THE TOTAL WOULD ALARM MOST AMERICAN'S...
